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I am excited to take that knowledge only found through the fire of experience and share the ability to truly, deeply connect with others in your everyday life! - Rob

Since leaving the Spurs in 2016, Rob has not only consulted with various companies, but he has also spoken to dozens of groups on how he learned to make moments for others in life, how preparation and teamwork were integral to his career, and other Life Lessons he learned from wearing fake fur for a living.  Contact Rob and see if he is available to speak at your next event!

PechaKucha San Antonio Vol. 24
December 6, 2016

Creating impactful moments, being authentic with others, and preparation were all ingredients to Rob Wicall's success during his tenure as one of San Antonio's most beloved mascots, the Spurs Coyote. 

What I've learned as an NBA mascot | TEDxSanAntonio
November 12, 2016

It is amazing what can be learned by wearing a costume for a living! Rob Wicall will reminisce, while examining how serving a community has made him a better person. Rob will discuss how he created impactful moments, and how we all can use these purposeful tools to further our personal and business relationships.

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